Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Clay Cylinders

Clay Cylinders 
5th Grade

We began this project by looking at and discussing clay objects from many times and cultures.  We noticed that for hundreds of year, people have been creating and decorating vessels out of clay. 

Why do you think people create cups, bowls and mugs with images on them?


We then worked at more ceramic art from an artist from our community, Julie Woodrow, a ceramics teacher at WKHS.

Students then thought about what inspired them and brainstormed ideas for their own clay cylinder.

The first step in making the clay cylinders was rolling slabs of clay.  Students then used pop cans as a mold to shape their cylinders.   Once the cylinders were formed, used scoring and slipping to seal the cylinder and attach a base.  Designs were creating using both additive and subtractive clay techniques.

Once the projects were complete, it was time to let them dry out and fire them in the first firing, called the bisque firing.  The last step was to paint them with glaze!  Glaze is tricky because it doesn't get bright and shiny until after it goes back in the kiln.  But the end results are always worth it! I hope many a cups a' cocoa are being enjoyed out of these unique 5th grade creations.

This students had her own unique vision and lots of ambition to make a mug for each member of her family!

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