Sunday, January 21, 2018

Still Life

Still Lifes Showing Emotions
4th Grade

still life (plural: still lifes) is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects are either natural or man- made.

Before beginning this project, we looked at and discussed artworks from various time periods and cultures, looking for similarities and differences.  We noticed that all these artworks were showing objects and that we could classify them as still lifes.  Many had overlapping, a horizontal surface and value (lights and darks).

We then set up our own still lifes with art materials and practiced drawing from observation and using shading to show value.

Before beginning our final artworks, we engaged in a collaborative activity.  Each group was given two emotions and had the challenge of sorting their abstract paintings on the continuum.  Which painting feels the most calm?  What about the most stressed?

Conversation Quotes Below

“this one is brave because it was out there with your work, doing something different”

“it looks joyful because of the bright colors”

“…it reminds you of a summer day.”

“the red, white and blue remind me of our country and being brave”

“the x and black lines block what’s behind making it seem off limits and scary”

“it’s outgoing because it has designs, and is crazy like a party”

“hopeful because it looks like a tunnel with light at the end of the tunnel”

“it’s calm because of the blending of colors”
For their final artwork, students had the challenge of applying their understanding of a still life and their discoveries about how to show emotions to make two images, showing different emotions.

For their final artwork, students had the challenge of applying their understanding of a still life and their discoveries about how to show emotions to make two images, showing different emotions.

Students experimented with many techniques and materials to achieve their desired results.

Students thought of many solutions to this challenge.  Check out some of their final artworks!