Sunday, February 12, 2017


1st Grade 

First graders began their invention brainstorming with a little bit of improv.  Improv is a great way to practice developing ideas, presenting in front of others, and taking chances.   Each group of students was given a random object and had the challenge of designing a new use for that object before performing  commercial for the class.

This basket makes all your food for your picnic.  Just put the silverware inside!

Students also played a game in which each person thought of a problem in their life, and someone else had to invent a solution for them!  It was very challenging for many students to let go of their original problems, but they did a great job thinking of solutions for their peers.

After discussing inventions by Leonardo DaVinci and looking at some current day inventions, students each drew their own invention.  Students completed the picture with a variety of materials including paint and oil pastels.

After completing their inventions, students revisited the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, this time focusing on the Mona Lisa.  We learned that the Mona Lisa is the most parodied work of art!  Students added to this tradition by creating their own Mona Lisa parody trading cards.  

Can you tell we live in Columbus? :) 

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