Wednesday, September 27, 2017

3rd Grade Beautiful Oops!

This project has been a favorite for the last few years, but each year we expand on the thinking we use as part of the process.  In addition to reading the always inspiring Beautiful Oops, and engaging in a Beautiful Oops inspired creativity challenge (Read more about this in last year's post), students thought about failure in a new way with an improv exercise.

Check out the video we watched in class!  I encourage you to ask your students about this exercise.

After watching the video, students thought of their own failures and presented them to the class.  Of course when they finished, we gave a round of applause.  Failures help our brains grow and we want to celebrate whenever we move on from or learn from a failure!

For the next phase of this unit, we looked at and discussed work by Columbus Artist, Levent Isik.  We are lucky enough to own two original works by this artist, given to our school at about the time I was in 3rd grade!  Students were really inspired by his use of multiple materials, bright colors, and patterns.

We also used mixed media in our art but started with just one scrap of cardboard.  
What can you turn a scrap of cardboard into?

Students hard at work, thinking of ideas form their lives, mixing paint, and combining many materials.

Check out some finished paintings!

Students completed this project by reflecting on their work and giving compliments to their classmates.

Monday, September 11, 2017

First Days for First Grade

Not A Box Creativity Challenge
Image result for not a box

First graders began the year reading this wonderful book and discussing creative thinking.  We talked about different ways to think of creative ideas!  We can think of many ideas, we can turn an idea into something new, we can think of a new and different idea, or we can dig deeper into an idea.  
Students then demonstrated flexible thinking, just like the rabbit in the book, to turn a box into a "not-a-box!"

We then created "creative thinking crowns" that will help us think of creative ideas!

Kiran's crown has a big brain on it!

After talking about maps and what they are used for, 1st graders used their creative thinking to create maps of their imaginations.  Some ideas students shared included adding mermaids, monsters, things you like, designs, colors, forts, and animals!  Check out our awesome, imaginative artists at work.   Drawing materials paired with a basket of assorted materials encouraged playing as part of the artistic process.

New neon paints were a big hit!  Learning to set up and clean up painting materials in 1st grade.

How do you use your imagination?